And yet, that is the life lived by the bearer of this name.
This title contains an unexpected contrast … a juxtaposition of sorts. Juxtapositions are often seen in the design world when a mix of two opposites creates something never before seen and never before expected. Rough burlap paired with soft velvet, or smooth silk layered on textured wool. The combinations are unusual, unexpected, unimagined. The results however explode the lid off of traditional patterns and conventional thinking and open the way for new realms of thought and creativity.
Lord of lords, is a crowning display of juxtaposition. This Lord, the Lord of lords, humbled himself, took on mortal flesh and came and lived among us. His arrival was announced by a host of angels and yet occurred in a manger. Respected intellectuals with lavish gifts welcomed Him as well as hard-working ordinary people. And although He was of royal descent, history records that one of his last acts was washing the feet of his disciples.
He was a servant Lord. A Lord who cared enough to come down and live among us. A Lord who “came down and moved into the neighborhood.” John 1:14
The Velvet Lime Girls