It's the pink month. Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We'd like to honor and encourage the women (and men) who are facing the challenge of breast cancer this month. Our endeavor is not something we've approached with a casual, lighthearted attitude, because, for those facing this challenge, the days can be rough, raw and insurmountable.
We know.
We understand.
We really understand, because one of us is currently overcoming breast cancer.
Yes, you read it right. One of us is currently OVERCOMING breast cancer. Although all three of us feel as if we have been fighting, standing, believing, and praying over this challenge, it is Laura who is on the healing journey. Together though, we've reached that place of rest and trust, where you just know that God has heard your prayers and is moving on your behalf.
Marybeth created a graphic affirmation for Laura
every-single-morning during the first part of her healing journey and we learned how powerful God's Word can be in lifting away discouragement. This month we'd like to pass along a few of these graphic encouragements to you, to lift you up or share with someone you know who is facing a breast cancer diagnosis. We'll also be including a few resources and links that Laura has found helpful in her healing journey.
Today's grace-graphic confronts one of the biggest challenges you'll need to overcome when facing a breast cancer diagnosis. FEAR. Even if you don't think you'll ever be able to overcome fear, you need to know, it can be overcome. And when you overcome fear you'll be able to live life with ease... free from "dis-ease".
Praying for you today,
The Velvet Lime Girls
Today's resource links are for everyone! Whether you're a breast cancer survivor, or in the early stages of breast cancer and looking for a more natural way to heal your body, or simply want to educate yourself on ways to prevent breast cancer, take a look at Dr. Véronique DeSaulniers' Facebook page. It is a continual source of practical tips and medically-based studies that will help you in your healing journey. Laura is currently working with "Dr. V's" coaching team and highly recommends the program:
Breast Cancer Conqueror
Dr. V also has a great book: Heal Breast Cancer Naturally
The last resource is one Laura has found most helpful.
It's a daily diet of healing scriptures. There's not a therapy, vitamin or nutraceutical that can take fear out of your life, but God can. And if you let yourself just listen to His Words about healing, a transformation will begin to take place in your body. (Just skip the ad that pops up and soak in the healing words.)
Healing Scriptures
"Don't panic. I'm with you. There's no need to fear for I'm your God. I'll give you strength. I'll help you. I'll hold you steady, keep an firm grip on you." Isaiah 41:10