
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

85 Years Young

We have a lot of inspiration around here at the Velvet Lime Designs Studio and one of our favorite sources is my Dad, Clarence P. Skinner.  His garden flowers, ballast rocks, grapes, peppers, photos, vintage train wheels, weathered barn doors and thoughts on life have often been the source of our blogs and artwork.  As he turns 85 years old this week, I wanted to share a bit of the rich treasure he has brought into my life and into our studio with some of the photos and blogs he has inspired.  Each of the first six photos below includes a blog link in pink and I hope you'll take a moment to read the rest of the story behind each photo.

Thanks Dad for teaching me to see the beauty in things (and people) that might often be discarded, from the rusted flywheels in your garden

to the scattered glass shards on seashores.

Treasures in the Trash


For encouraging me to stand strong like salty doors 
Salty Doors
and leave the ballast rocks of the past to embrace new life ahead.
Ballast Rock Lessons
To keep my heart open to God 
Living Water
and remind me that new life can bloom in "dead of winter" moments.
Bloom in Winter
Most of all, thanks for crowning me with a love straight from the heart of God.
Crowned with Love

Happy Birthday to my wonderful Dad, 
"The glory of children is their fathers." Proverbs 17:6

Grape Harvest
Kayak Buddies

Daily Prayer Walk

Young at heart!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Hope of All the World

Here's a little wreath for you to hang in your heart today.

Festooned with birds, ornaments, greenery and a star, it looks like many other wreaths you might pass in the mall or neighborhood.  Nestled in the center however, is a reminder of what the Christmas season is all about, the birth of a Savior.  The birth of Jesus Christ, the hope of all the world.
The words in the center of our wreath have been translated in numerous other ways and, like a mirror reflecting new views from different angles, the varying translations reveal fresh insights into the HOPE that Jesus brings into our world. We couldn't squeeze them all into this wreath, but here's one of our favorite views:

"... The mere sound of His name will signal hope, even among far-off believers." The Message

Oh, we love that phrase ... the mere sound of His name will signal hope.

Now that's a perfect thought to encircle your thoughts and festoon your life today. Why it's even better than a  pretty Christmas wreath. Jesus, the Hope of all the world.

Pausing to listen to the sound of His name,
The Velvet Lime Girls

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Peace.  What a wonderful gift from God. Peace.
We thought we'd send you a simple ornament sketch today that carries a relaxing expression.
Inhale Peace. Exhale Peace.
Yeah, you can do that right now.
Right in the midst of your busy day, your full schedule, the surprise you hadn't planned on, or the list you haven't finished. We know about the squeeze of cares that can just seem to press some of the joy out of Christmas this time of year, but we've learned that God's peace can put everything in order.  We think it's because that's the way we were created to live.  In Peace.
History records that just as Jesus Christ was born an announcement was made about peace coming to all of us.  Here it is, in case you missed it:

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”  Luke 2:14

So, it's right here ... that peace you need today.  It's been given to you and our hope is that you'll pause a moment and receive this gift.  Just slowly inhale God's peace, and then watch as your world begins to change, with cares crushed beneath the sound of an exhale. The exhale of His peace.

Breathing in His Peace,
The Velvet Lime Girls 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Grateful Hearts

Hello December 1st! 
O-o-o-h, you came a little earlier than we expected.  We have to admit that we're still savoring all the grace and gratitude that the month of Thanksgiving brought into our hearts and into our studio. We love the slow, easy pace of the month of November.  A month filled with just giving-thanks, recognizing our blessings and exhaling gratitude into the world.  
So, we thought why not extend this grace-gratitude-grateful-feeling right into the month of December?  After all, it's the month we celebrate the most wonderful gift ever given to us.  The birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Oh, what a gift from God! A Savior who would come to us and as The Message translation records, move into our neighborhood.

"The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood." John 1:14

So pause on this first day of December and allow Him to move into your neighborhood... into your work, your relationships, your challenges, your joys, your dreams...your life.
God's presence in our lives can really bring a new perspective to things, a deep sense of gratitude. A gratitude that will be a magnet for miracles in your life.

With grateful hearts,
The Velvet Lime Girls