
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Grateful Hearts

Hello December 1st! 
O-o-o-h, you came a little earlier than we expected.  We have to admit that we're still savoring all the grace and gratitude that the month of Thanksgiving brought into our hearts and into our studio. We love the slow, easy pace of the month of November.  A month filled with just giving-thanks, recognizing our blessings and exhaling gratitude into the world.  
So, we thought why not extend this grace-gratitude-grateful-feeling right into the month of December?  After all, it's the month we celebrate the most wonderful gift ever given to us.  The birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Oh, what a gift from God! A Savior who would come to us and as The Message translation records, move into our neighborhood.

"The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood." John 1:14

So pause on this first day of December and allow Him to move into your neighborhood... into your work, your relationships, your challenges, your joys, your dreams...your life.
God's presence in our lives can really bring a new perspective to things, a deep sense of gratitude. A gratitude that will be a magnet for miracles in your life.

With grateful hearts,
The Velvet Lime Girls