
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A symphony of praise

Laura & her dad, originally uploaded by Velvet Lime Designs.
Many of the flowers used in our images have their beginnings in my father’s garden. My parents, Clarence & Rose Skinner, live on Roanoke Island in the quaint town of Manteo, North Carolina … a “Mayberry” type of setting and a perfect environment for flowers as well as family memories to grow. This photo came at the end of a full day of planting flowers & vegetables in his garden. As we placed the last tender seed into the fertile soil, Dad said “You know Laura, when I plant seeds I hear music … and when I plant an entire bed like this, I hear a symphony … a beautiful, full symphony. It’s as if each one of those seeds is a musical instrument and together they make a wonderful song.” He paused, smiled, and “listened” to the symphony that surrounded us. A symphony of praise.

Perhaps this is where the beginning of hearing flowers “speak” to me came from … my father. The turned up, outstretched heads of poppies talk of “hope and faith,” the fragrance of wisteria whispers “days of heaven on earth” and the morning drops of dew on caladium leaves speak of the “thirsting of my soul.” How rewarding it is to see these expressions take form as Marybeth gives them life beyond the garden.

We hope you hear the symphony in the images we’ve created and are inspired to listen to the songs around you each day.

– Laura

P.S. The rusted steam engine flywheel in the photo was physically moved by my father to add to his collection of interesting “objets d’art”…( that mother has yet to appreciate.) At 78, he’s still as strong as an old steam engine.