
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Hope of All the World

Here's a little wreath for you to hang in your heart today.

Festooned with birds, ornaments, greenery and a star, it looks like many other wreaths you might pass in the mall or neighborhood.  Nestled in the center however, is a reminder of what the Christmas season is all about, the birth of a Savior.  The birth of Jesus Christ, the hope of all the world.
The words in the center of our wreath have been translated in numerous other ways and, like a mirror reflecting new views from different angles, the varying translations reveal fresh insights into the HOPE that Jesus brings into our world. We couldn't squeeze them all into this wreath, but here's one of our favorite views:

"... The mere sound of His name will signal hope, even among far-off believers." The Message

Oh, we love that phrase ... the mere sound of His name will signal hope.

Now that's a perfect thought to encircle your thoughts and festoon your life today. Why it's even better than a  pretty Christmas wreath. Jesus, the Hope of all the world.

Pausing to listen to the sound of His name,
The Velvet Lime Girls