Inspiration is everywhere! That’s one of our favorite sayings and last night the inspiration came from the soft opening of Bua, a Thai and Sushi restaurant in the Brookhaven area just outside of Atlanta. We hope you are not hungry when you look at these photos ☺
The colors, the flavors, the atmosphere was simply a plunge into creative waters for us. The photos above of the large “flowers” are actually carved watermelons and the “leaves” are the carved underside of the watermelon rinds. Even the food presentation was a work of art! Fabulous Thai spring rolls came out wrapped in a palm leaf presentation that had us scrambling for our cameras and the entrées were framed in floral displays of orchids. Photography, furnishings and art from Thailand simply swept us away from the South for a few hours … and I think we started humming in delight with a soft Thai twang before the evening was over.
It’s great to have a little of the “eat, drink and be merry” life once in awhile. It refreshes us and reminds us that “Every one should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor…it is the gift of God” Ecclesiastes 3:12
The Velvet Lime Girls
P.S. We focus on inspiration for the soul here, but for more food inspiration visit http://www.Buaatlanta.com and a little more design inspiration visit http://www.rhodesdesigngroup.com