Yesterday Rebecca was driving in the car with Alexa, her 22 month old daughter. Alexa is the tiniest little fan of the Velvet Lime Girls. She often provides her artistic opinion on our upcoming artwork (see Sept. 30th blog). As their short trip progressed, Alexa became restless and a bit fussy. A series of questions began, to help comfort her.
Did she want juice? “No”.
Did she want gummy bears? “No”.
Did she want her paci? (pacifier)? Again the answer was surprisingly, “No.
Finally Rebecca asked, “Alexa, tell me what you want.” A long pause occurred in the car… and then, her tiny little voice replied from the carseat … “hand”.
She wanted her mother’s hand. She just wanted to have her mom hold her hand. Nothing else could bring the comfort, the solace, the calm like her mother’s hand …not even the revered “paci”.
A hand. Sometimes it’s all that’s really needed. A hand to comfort, to calm, to care.
As soothing to the soul as a hand extended may be, it’s a mere glimpse of the powerful hand continually extended to help us. A hand that actually has us engraved on it, or, in other words, “indelibly imprinted (tattooed a picture of) us on the palms of each of His hands.”
Now, that’s real comfort. Talk about a tight hold … why, you’re tattooed on God hands! J
The Velvet Lime Girls
“I have indelibly imprinted (tattooed a picture of) you on the palm of each of My hands.” Isaiah 49:16
Photo of Alexa's hand in the palm of her grandmother Laura's hand taken days after her birth.