
Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Fun Day

It's Friday!
Do you still get a thrill when Friday rolls around?  We do!
Fridays are fun days here in the Velvet Lime Girls Studio.  We explore new colors, talk about new design ideas and just have some creative playtime.  Surrounding yourself with fun, expressive colors and design is a great way to start the weekend.

So, we'd like to share a bright little promise with you today as you slip into your weekend!

We washed this day-brightener with piñata-type colors. A fun fuchsia background, vibrant-white type and a few tangerine splashes.  Just looking at it creates a little celebration in your heart!  And if you let these words soak into your spirit ... you really will feel like celebrating on this Friday afternoon!

Have a great weekend,
The Velvet Lime Girls