
Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Faith DOES thank God!  Right smack in the middle of the story. 

"Like an arrow that's already been shot, it reaches forward to grab hold of God's promises." Rick Renner

If you're in the middle of a story right now, facing a challenge, an impossibility or uncertainty, we're sending this graphic out today to encourage you.  To remind you that your faith in God is powerful.

While reading Sparkling Gems From the Greek, we found out that the Greek word for faith is pistis, a word that "denotes a force that is forward-directed and aggressive - never passive or backward-reaching, but always reaching forward to obtain or achieve a specific target or goal."

Wow.  Faith is never passive.  It's always reaching forward to obtain a goal. It's actually the evidence, "the confident assurance, that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead."  Hebrews 11:1

When you let this confident assurance, this evidence, this faith, really build up in your spirit, it becomes a powerful force.  A force that enables you to believe God for the impossible, and thank Him in advance.

So take your confident assurance, your faith, and let it fly like an arrow today, piercing through to the promises of God.

Walking by faith,
The Velvet Lime Girls