
Saturday, June 27, 2015

His Touch

A Touch.  
Sometimes that's all you need to brighten your day.  
A touch from someone who loves you.  
A touch from someone who cares.  
A touch from someone who can just soothe everything away.

It's comforting to know that there is a God who is still reaching out to touch us, to care for us, to love us, to heal us.  He revealed this caring nature through His Son, Jesus, who walked on this earth for a short time, and the historical accounts of Jesus' life are moving.

The historical account referenced in the artwork above records multitudes came to touch Him. That's a whole lot of people coming out to touch Jesus ... because power went out from Him and healed them.  Healed them all. Not just one or a fewALL.

He still heals today.  Yeah, that's right, because according to another historical document, He's the same yesterday, today and forever.  (Hebrews 13:8).  He's still reaching out in love to touch our lives, comfort us, and heal us.

We hope our simple artwork moves you to reach out and touch Him today.  Maybe in a prayer or maybe in reading from that vintage collection of love notes to us, called The Holy Bible.  There's a book inside there called John that's a beautiful place to begin and to feel His embrace.

His touch can change everything,
The Velvet Lime Girls

P.S. This is the 6th in our series of 7 faith-seeds this week. These are just for you.  Just for you to print out, tape up somewhere, or pass along to someone who may need a little lift in their spirit today.  One more tomorrow :-)