
Sunday, June 28, 2015


Sometimes a name says it all. With God though, one name simply can't encompass all of His nature, His attributes, and the many ways He loves us.  The early writers of the Bible had several names they used to describe God and the many facets of his nature. You may have heard of a few like Jehovah-Jireh, which means the Lord will Provide, or Jehovah-Shalom, the Lord is our Peace.
There are many more and you can read about them at sites like this - Names of God.
One of the names of God we've been drawn to lately is Jehovah-Rapha.  Just listen to a few of its meanings:

I Am the God who heals you.
Great Physician.
The God who heals.
The Great Physician who heals the physical and emotional needs of His people.

The word Rapha actually means to restore, or make healthful, become fresh, completely healed, purified, repaired.  Amazing.  And this is just one of the many descriptive names of God.  Oh, how He loves us.
We wanted to capture the essence of this name of God and hang it in our studio, so, we filled our brushes with a crimson-fuchsia watercolor wash, swept them across some grainy paper and then layered a couple meanings of Jehovah-Rapha on the top. What a beautiful facet of God to reflect on throughout the day.
Here's a copy of our simple expression for you to print out, tape up somewhere, or pass along to a friend.  It's the last in our series of 7 faith-seeds we wanted to plant into your life this past week. A perfect ending to 7 days of celebrating the One who loves us the most. Our God. Our Great Physician.

The Velvet Lime Girls