
Sunday, June 28, 2015


Sometimes a name says it all. With God though, one name simply can't encompass all of His nature, His attributes, and the many ways He loves us.  The early writers of the Bible had several names they used to describe God and the many facets of his nature. You may have heard of a few like Jehovah-Jireh, which means the Lord will Provide, or Jehovah-Shalom, the Lord is our Peace.
There are many more and you can read about them at sites like this - Names of God.
One of the names of God we've been drawn to lately is Jehovah-Rapha.  Just listen to a few of its meanings:

I Am the God who heals you.
Great Physician.
The God who heals.
The Great Physician who heals the physical and emotional needs of His people.

The word Rapha actually means to restore, or make healthful, become fresh, completely healed, purified, repaired.  Amazing.  And this is just one of the many descriptive names of God.  Oh, how He loves us.
We wanted to capture the essence of this name of God and hang it in our studio, so, we filled our brushes with a crimson-fuchsia watercolor wash, swept them across some grainy paper and then layered a couple meanings of Jehovah-Rapha on the top. What a beautiful facet of God to reflect on throughout the day.
Here's a copy of our simple expression for you to print out, tape up somewhere, or pass along to a friend.  It's the last in our series of 7 faith-seeds we wanted to plant into your life this past week. A perfect ending to 7 days of celebrating the One who loves us the most. Our God. Our Great Physician.

The Velvet Lime Girls

Saturday, June 27, 2015

His Touch

A Touch.  
Sometimes that's all you need to brighten your day.  
A touch from someone who loves you.  
A touch from someone who cares.  
A touch from someone who can just soothe everything away.

It's comforting to know that there is a God who is still reaching out to touch us, to care for us, to love us, to heal us.  He revealed this caring nature through His Son, Jesus, who walked on this earth for a short time, and the historical accounts of Jesus' life are moving.

The historical account referenced in the artwork above records multitudes came to touch Him. That's a whole lot of people coming out to touch Jesus ... because power went out from Him and healed them.  Healed them all. Not just one or a fewALL.

He still heals today.  Yeah, that's right, because according to another historical document, He's the same yesterday, today and forever.  (Hebrews 13:8).  He's still reaching out in love to touch our lives, comfort us, and heal us.

We hope our simple artwork moves you to reach out and touch Him today.  Maybe in a prayer or maybe in reading from that vintage collection of love notes to us, called The Holy Bible.  There's a book inside there called John that's a beautiful place to begin and to feel His embrace.

His touch can change everything,
The Velvet Lime Girls

P.S. This is the 6th in our series of 7 faith-seeds this week. These are just for you.  Just for you to print out, tape up somewhere, or pass along to someone who may need a little lift in their spirit today.  One more tomorrow :-)

Friday, June 26, 2015

Be Still

Be Still.
How often do you really let yourself do this? 
Really slow down, pause and be still. 
We found a few more definitions for be still  this morning.

Be quiet
Calm down
Stand silent
Let be and be still
Be still, be calm, see
Let go of your concerns!

Wow, when you say it that way, with all those meanings, it is powerful.
So, we hope you'll join in with us today as we, let go of concerns, be still, be calm, see, let be, stand silent, calm down, pay attention, be quiet and know that He is God.

The Velvet Lime Girls

P.S. This is the 4th in a series of 7 faith-seeds that we're giving away to you.  Just for print out, tape somewhere, or share with a friend who may need a little encouragement today.  
Please feel free to pass it along.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Love Note for You.

Here's a little love note for you today.  A heart shaped sentiment brushed in cantaloupe
colored swashes and a blush background.  It's a perfect setting for God's favorite name for you...Beloved.
Just say it over and over today... to remind yourself of just how much YOU are loved.

The Velvet Lime Girls

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Healing Words

We've just finished our morning walk outside the studio on this lovely morning here in Georgia and we wanted to send out the third art sentiment in our faith-seeds series.  These are heartfelt expressions and watercolor plays that we scatter around here to build our faith or encourage one another.  They're simple, but powerful, because we layer a love note, a love expression, from God on top of everything.  And that changes everything.  As a well-known speaker once said, "One word from God can change everything."* We believe the words we place on these simple art expressions can change things in your life, and the lives of others. So, print it out, tape in on things, and pass it along to someone who may need a love note from God to them.

This third faith-seed is for those who need healing in any area of their lives.  Those who need a visit from the Great Physician himself.  He reveals Himself through His Word, and these words are so powerful.  We hope you let them soak into your spirit all day long.
Nothing is impossible with God,
The Velvet Lime Girls

P.S. Quote by Gloria Copeland

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Faith- Seed #2

Well, hello again! Thanks for joining us on this second day of our seed planting :-)
We're scattering these little faith seeds out over the next 7 days for readers to print out for themselves, tape onto walls, or pass along to someone who just may need to be reminded of a beautiful promise from God.  

We hope our watercolor wash builds your faith today. 

We'll see you here tomorrow with another faith-seed just for you.

Live Blessed,
The Velvet Lime Girls

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Faith Seed #1

Here's a little gift for you on this Monday morning.  It's the first of 7 art sentiments for you to print out for yourself or share with someone who may need a little extra faith right now. We're calling these faith seeds... simple art expressions that come straight from the heart of God.  They can also be found in their original form in that treasury known as The Holy Bible.
We're scattering these seeds out there for anyone who has a battle they may be facing in their health, or in a relationship, or in their emotions, or in their finances, or in their family... or in anything.  Join us over the next 7 days as we share a simple piece of artwork for you to plant deep in your spirit. 
These will build your faith.  
We were inspired to do this by the Battle of Jericho, one of the most intimidating battles every fought and recorded in the Book of Joshua.  The Israelites faced a formidable city named Jericho. This walled fortress could have been intimidating, if they had tried to conquer it in their own strength, but with bold, brave faith in God, the Israelites listened and obeyed His instructions, and with a loud shout on the 7th day ... they watched the walls come tumbling down.  
The story is a blueprint for us today when we face formidable challenges. It reminds us that with God, nothing is impossible.  
In fact, with God, all things are possible.
So let these faith seeds empower you with strength.  Print them out, tape them on your walls, hang them in your car, stick them on your mirrors, share them with your friends, or pass them on to someone who needs a lift in their spirit today.  These are powerful words, because they are not our words, but God's words, straight from The Bible.  And when these words are mixed with faith, you're  going to want to shout ... as you watch the walls you face come tumbling down.

Believing with you, that all things are possible with God,
The Velvet Lime Girls

P. S.  As a reminder, we do not sell products with our artwork.  We just license our artwork to manufacturers.   If you are a retailer and would like to have the Be Brave Keep Going artwork in your store, it is available in various canvas sizes through MET Colors
Their website is being updated but the highlighted link will connect you with them.