From those stately iris heads giving royal waves in the summer breeze...
To regal clematis blooms moving with grace...even as they drop their petals.

A study of Ephesians was the initial inspiration for the "You Are Chosen" artwork. As we read and reread the amazing verse that mentions our being "seated together with Him in high places", we could hardly wrap our minds around that thought. Us... being seated near God, in heavenly places? Yeah, that's what the verse says:
"And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus..." Ephesians 2:6
Wow, we are really loved.
This verse painted a picture in our heads...a picture of a royal purple, plush chair. The kind you would just want to sink into and stay awhile.
More cozy than stately.
More comforting than commanding.
A place prepared with pure love and grace.
Marybeth, with her gift of turning the art in our heads into realities, created this initial piece of artwork in soft, pale purple watercolors and we wrote about it an earlier blog. (Click Royal Seating for earlier blog.)
The artwork evolved to a collage-style final stage for use on products with some of the wonderful manufacturers we work with.
So, now this little message of grace and God loving us enough to seat us in heavenly places with Him, is now being shared around the world on journals, coasters, notebooks, memo pads and cards. Thank-you so much to Legacy Publishing Group, Divinity Boutique and Painted Planet Licensing, for helping us pass this wonderful truth along to others.
Grateful hearts in Georgia,
The Velvet Lime Girls