Have you ever been really inspired by someone that you thought you’d never have had the chance to meet and thank? We have ... this entire year. Our inspiration came from another creator and dreamer like us named Kelly Rae Roberts. Right about the time that we were wondering how do we pull all these creative ideas together and do it all, we discovered a course by Kelly Rae that would tell us everything we needed to know. Marybeth discovered her Flying Lessons e-course, enrolled and the mind expansion began! Imagine our excitement when we realized she would be at the Demdaco showroom in Atlanta ... Just a short drive from our studio! We flew downtown and stood in line to just say “Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you”. What a great feeling it is to express gratitude to someone significant in your life:-) And just so you know ... Kelly Rae was as gracious and warm as we imagined. Here’s a photo of our Gratitude Moment.