
Thursday, February 23, 2017


"Split-Second" Morning Glory in Velvet Lime Girls ' Studio Garden

"In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life."  James 1:21

We've been busy in the studio lately...dreaming about spring.  Seed packets are scattered everywhere and little seedlings are beginning to sprout.  We're so eager to fill our landscape with fresh, new life and color!  It always amazes us just how drab the winter garden can be, just before it transforms seemingly overnight, into an explosion of color, life and joy.
Raindrops on Geranium Buds in Velvet Lime Girls' Studio Garden
Spring buds in Velvet Lime Girls' Studio Garden
The hours we spend planning, dreaming and imagining our garden landscape made us think about the landscaping God can do in our lives.  His landscaping can create a transformation that lasts forever.    A  transformation that doesn't fade with any earth-bound season. And like a well-tended garden, our lives, so very loved and tended by God, can become a salvation-garden for all the world to see.
Velvet Lime Girls' Studio Garden in June
So, if the landscape of your life looks a bit drab at the moment, or perhaps you're in a winter season of sorts, we hope you'll pause a moment and let the gardener of your soul begin to landscape you with His Word, His promises, His expressions of love for you. Just a glance of Psalms 139 will show you how much He adores you.  He probably dreams about how beautiful your true colors will be once you let Him water you with His fresh words from the Bible.  Oh, how He loves you and wants to see you bloom. And we can just imagine how beautiful the landscape will be once you let the master gardener carefully nurture the garden of your life.

Anticipating spring in gardens and lives,
The Velvet Lime Girls
Iris announcing Spring's arrival