
Monday, October 5, 2015

Royal Blood

Hi girls!  This one's just for you today.  A little reminder of the royal lineage you step into when God becomes your heavenly Father.  It's a regal bloodline and you've been invited to become a part of this family. It's a family that backs you all the way and loves you like no one else.
The Message translation says it this way:

“I’ll live in them, move into them;
    I’ll be their God and they’ll be my people...
I’ll be a Father to you;
    you’ll be sons and daughters to me.”
2 Corinthians 6:18

So let this amazing truth sink into your heart today.  You have a heavenly Father who promises to be with you and go before you as you walk through this life.  That brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "have no fear".  You've have God with you! 
For all you guys out there, this promise holds true for you too. Just replace the word daughter with son on the graphic above, and then run out and play with the rest of the kids! 
The sons and daughters of The King.

Grateful to be in the family,
The Velvet Lime Girls