
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Crowned with Love

Hostas reign in our garden.  Their lavish leaves of green create an oasis for the eyes during the hot summer months. Sporting colors of celadon, chartreuse, pistachio and lime in their full skirts of leaves, they just seem to be dancing while the rest of the garden fizzles away under the sun.

How do they do it? How do they stay so fresh and green under the heat?

They have a secret. They start out by being “crowned” with life- giving water each morning. Shortly before sunrise, the tips of their leaves and buds receive an infusion of life-giving water. Little water crowns fill them with loving, tender, droplets of moisture that settle on their heads and change their world.

You can be crowned with this kind of love each day too.  Really.
It’s an open offer from a tender hand.  Just listen to it:

“He crowns you with love and mercy – a paradise crown.”  Psalms 103:4
Like the hostas, you’ll be strengthened to flourish, regardless of the heat that may surround you. 
Let the master gardener of your soul crown you today with love and tender mercy. Spend some time with Him each morning and soak up the life-giving water He supplies. Like these little hosta flower buds, you’ll be lifting  your head up with renewed strength, and you’ll begin to reign in life.

The Velvet Lime Girls

Photo by James Rhodes