Here in Georgia, with our mild temperatures, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...if only in our hearts! We're grateful for this unseasonably warm weather because we know that chilly times will eventually come to our southern state. We might even have a chance to build a snowman!
We've also been thinking about what a celebrating snowman might actually look like. After all, the upcoming celebration of the birth of Jesus is so magnificent, we just knew a snowman couldn't resist tilting his little pointy carrot nose to heaven and lifting his twiggy arms in praise. We think he might look a bit like the snowman above.
The Legacy Publishing Group seemed to agree with us and last year they selected our snowman to grace a set of their boxed Christmas cards for this year and they are in stores now. Thank-you Legacy!
If you'd like to scatter a little joy with our Celebrating Snowman this Christmas, he can be found at many Christian book stores nationwide or you can have the cards mailed directly to your doorstep from this online site: CELEBRATING SNOWMAN CARDS
We hope our snowman's frosty little face reminds you that "all the earth" has been encouraged to make a joyful shout to God. Psalm 66:1
The Velvet Lime Girls
P.S. Our Celebrating Snowman is also featured in a 2016
Calendar @ Hobby Lobby as mentioned in last week's post.