There’s a fireworks celebration going on in our garden and
it’s way past the 4th of July. This one is only noticeable if you
stop and look real, real close.
It’s in the center of a wild, vibrant colored rose that we named the
Roanoke Rose, due to its discovery at the Elizabethan Gardens on Roanoke
Island, North Carolina. It now
resides in our garden and lately there’s been a lot to celebrate, considering
the battles it has endured.

Fortunately, hundreds of new savory selections are growing
in the garden now and the deer have moved on to more trendy dining spots. And
the rose has bloomed! We were
thrilled and it obviously was too, since a full blown fireworks celebration and
dancing is going on in the center of each rose. The celebration is so noisy the deer probably won’t ever come
around again. And if they do, they'll just have to dance.

“I know that nothing
is better for them than to rejoice (celebrate!), and to do good in their lives,
and also that everyone should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his
labor – it is the gift of God.” King Solomon

There’s actually “nothing better” for you to do. And when you let a celebration begin in your heart, the music from your soul will change the very atmosphere that surrounds you.
Dancing with the deer,