Monday, July 25, 2011
Ballast Rocks
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Squash Blossoms

Each morning in my summer garden a series of squash blossoms unfurl and show off their bright little faces. They are a fleeting show and by late morning they pull their shades down and close up … the show is over until tomorrow morning when a fresh new group arrives. I’ve learned to respect their timing if I want to catch a glimpse of them in their full glory.
Timing is even more important if they are to be enjoyed as a divine culinary experience … known here in the South as, fried squash blossoms. Umm, just the thought of these lightly crisped, creamy morsels makes me swoon. These beautiful airy blossoms wrap their delicate petals around a savory cream cheese filling, swan dive into an egg batter and then frolic around in a dusting of flour & bread crumbs before they are glorified with a quick olive oil flash fry. Whoa … just brace yourself for the first bite and the explosion of creamy flavor that fills your mouth. There’s just nothing like it … and it’s only found in a rare commodity…fresh squash blossoms.
Timing is everything with squash blossoms. Picked too early, they can’t contain the filling … picked too late, they shrivel and lose the filling.
Squash blossoms are a little like the opportunities God gives us each day… and timing is important here too. Opportunities of giving time, giving a smile, giving an encouragement will present themselves each day and we can fill them if we are looking and don’t let them pass us by. The explosion of flavor from these filled opportunities doesn’t even compare to the fried squash blossoms.
P.S. Recipes for fried squash blossoms abound on the internet, but if you’d like mine, just send us an email @
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
New Artwork!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sallie’s Seeds
A packet of zinnia seeds has slept quietly in my kitchen drawer for almost two years. Given to me by my friend, Sallie, they weren’t entirely forgotten, just neglected by daily schedules… the intent to plant them was always there, I just never seemed to find the time. Early this summer I was thrilled to have a morning free and eagerly clasped the packet of seeds and planted them in the rich soil of my flower garden. Ahhh, … I could just feel their relief to be in their new home … a place where they could flourish and become everything that was hidden inside of them. How amazing that these dry, brittle, unimpressive seeds that I thought might not even be alive could produce the creations that now cover my flowerbed. Brilliant, vibrant, expressive colors with little yellow faces have exploded from these unassuming little seeds. Who would have thought such beauty could be contained inside? It made me think of how God views us …. His little seeds on this earth. Many of us have yet to flourish and become everything that has been hidden inside of us. We need to plant ourselves in rich soil and that takes a little time. This week, find time to nourish yourself with a little time with your Creator. Sink yourself in the rich soil of prayer and reading His Word …. And get ready for the quiet explosion that will come. You are a seed just waiting to bloom.