
Monday, February 15, 2016

Smoothie Time

We've been talking about chocolate, sweet things and love lately, but the truth is, around our studio, you'd be hard pressed to find many sugary things!  It's true.  You'd be more likely to find a green smoothie, and sometimes we can be very creative with the ingredients.  Now, we may not put shitake mushrooms or bark in it, like the above graphic suggests, but it will be loaded with lots of green things. We could talk for days about the benefits of green things, but we find great inspiration from this beautiful quote:

"Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant that grows on the earth and every fruit-bearing tree. They will be your food and nourishment."  Genesis 1:29 - The Voice 

  When we discovered that the original word for the seed-bearing plants included green, grass-like plants, we took a trip to the grocery store for wheat grass, spinach, kale and anything green!  Wow, do we notice a difference when we start our day sipping on one of these green smoothies.  Our recipe varies each day, so we're not including a recipe here, but you can find bushels of green smoothie recipes online, and there's one out there that will make you fall in love with everything green!

Sipping green smoothies,
The Velvet Lime Girls

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Happy Valentine's Day! We hope you've had a little chocolate by now on this beautiful Valentine's Day.  If not, let your heart sink into to this sweet message today.  It's a lighthearted graphic inspired by a deadline that Marybeth was working on late at night ... 11:23 p.m., to be exact. 
Chocolate takes on a new meaning that late at night.

Our graphic inspirations usually have a biblical reference in the bottom right corner, but this one is a totally different.  This reference is inspired solely by our art director, Marybeth, at precisely 11:23 pm. Chocolate lovers everywhere will understand.

Happy Valentine's Day from The Velvet Lime Girls!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Love Lasts Forever

Love is in the air around here lately.  Each February we find ourselves fully embracing all the sweet sentiments and flowery phrases that float around just before Valentine's Day.  This time of year seems to bring a light-hearted joy to our souls and we think we might actually leave heart-shaped footprints behind as we go about our day. 

So, we'd like to leave a few imprints of love on your heart today with a favorite quote we read this morning:
It's true. 
It outlasts everything.
It's never ending.
It knows no limit to it's endurance.
It never becomes obsolete.
It is never lost.
It Lasts Forever.

We hope our graphic created for you today, with it's never-ending heart pattern in the background, is a love-note that you share with others.  And a beautiful reminder, that love really is never-ending.

Leaving heart-shaped footprints in the snow today,
The Velvet Lime Girls 

Monday, February 1, 2016


Happy first day of February to you! This is the month filled with sentiments of love, chocolates, roses, and gifts-from-the-heart to those you love. Here's a little love-note from us to you! 
A heart-themed graphic to print out or share with others.  It's a light-hearted, whimsical expression inspired by our reading of the historical letter found in Galations 5:6.  We discovered a real connection between faith and love in this letter, and The Voice translation seems to sum it all up beautifully:  "What makes a difference is faith energized by love."

This is so true!  Faith works by love, expresses itself by love and is energized by love!

So, take a little of the energized love we're sending your way today and get ready for a few more love-notes from us before Valentine's Day!

You are so loved,
The Velvet Lime Girls