
Monday, November 30, 2015

Celebrating Snowman

Here in Georgia, with our mild temperatures, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...if only in our hearts!  We're grateful for this unseasonably warm weather because we know that chilly times will eventually come to our southern state. We might even have a chance to build a snowman! 

We've also been thinking about what a celebrating snowman might actually look like.  After all, the upcoming celebration of the birth of Jesus is so magnificent, we just knew a snowman couldn't resist tilting his little pointy carrot nose to heaven and lifting his twiggy arms in praise. We think he might look a bit like the snowman above.

The Legacy Publishing Group seemed to agree with us and last year they selected our snowman to grace a set of their boxed Christmas cards for this year and they are in stores now. Thank-you Legacy! 

If you'd like to scatter a little joy with our Celebrating Snowman  this Christmas, he can be found at many Christian book stores nationwide or you can have the cards mailed directly to your doorstep from this online site: CELEBRATING SNOWMAN CARDS

We hope our snowman's frosty little face reminds you that "all the earth" has been encouraged to make a joyful shout to God. Psalm 66:1
The Velvet Lime Girls
P.S. Our Celebrating Snowman is also featured in a 2016 
Calendar @ Hobby Lobby as mentioned in last week's post.

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Greater One

This past week we've found our eyes drawn, more than once, to this graphic hanging in our studio. 
May we share it with you today as your week-end begins?  Our hope is that it lifts your heart and encourages you in your spirit.  

Live brave,
The Velvet Lime Girls

Monday, November 16, 2015

Velvet Lime Girls' Calendars @ Hobby Lobby!

We almost had a fainting spell when we walked into our local Hobby Lobby last week and saw Legacy calendars with our artwork!  Oh, we were so excited! That's what happens when you are blessed to create artwork for amazing companies like  Legacy Publishing Company.  You just never know where your artwork may go!  
So today, we're sending out a heartfelt thank-you to Legacy Publishing Company.  You all are amazing! Thank-you. This little calendar is popping up everywhere thanks to you.  We're told it's now found in many local Christian bookstores nationwide and at these links:

Here's a peek inside the calendar.  Legacy is an expert at calendars and they have featured a different piece of our artwork on each month, along with inspiring scriptures and ample space to write-in details for each day.  We've just hung our calendar up in the studio and are ready for 2016! If you're starting to get ready for 2016, we hope you pick up a calendar at your local Hobby Lobby or one of the online sites above!

Thank-you Legacy for making us look so good!

Grateful hearts,
The Velvet Lime Girls

Monday, November 9, 2015

Summer in our Hearts

last late sunflower bloom
Do you just hang on to every bit of summer that you can, even when it's full-blown fall time?  We do!  A few weeks ago, we walked through the sunny side of our studio garden and captured the last remnants of sunshine days. We thought we'd share a few with you today! Perhaps these final flourishes of the season will brighten up your day like they do ours.  Its amazing how a thing of beauty, held in your heart, can make even a rainy, cold day seem like a day at the beach. 
last petite bloom of the salmon colored hibiscus
It reminds us of the thing of beauty we hold inside of us, the treasure we carry around inside of us while on this earth.  The Voice translation describes it quite beautifully like this:
"But this beautiful treasure is contained in us—cracked pots made of earth and clay—so that the transcendent character of this power will be clearly seen as coming from God and not from us." 
2 Corinthians 4:7
purple coneflower fading with grace
We hope our little snippets from the garden remind you to look for the the beautiful bouquet of treasure contained inside each of you.

Holding the beauty of summer and the treasure of God in our hearts,
The Velvet Lime Girls

birth of a late blooming sunflower
spiderwort buds

last burst of color from purple coneflower