
Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Mounds of freshly washed celery stalks with colorful, leafy heads of celadon, sulphur springs and soft as summer green are glistening in our studio today. Earlier, they frolicked in a kitchen sink water bath and then stretched themselves out on a long wire basket, like sunbathers on a beach, to let the final drops of water evaporate one by one. They were just too beautiful to ignore with their green reflections in the morning sun and we had to snap a photo to capture their colors and shapes!

As beautiful as these firm, strong stalks are, they were destined for something much more magnificent. Along with onions, garlic, parsley, peppercorns and an array of vegetables, they formed the base of a hearty stock that now simmers in our studio.  
The aroma is absolutely divine and wraps itself around everyone with a deep culinary fragrance hug.

This stock that will nourish our bodies and souls later, in a savory soup, was quite a transformation story. The firm, hard stalks softened and became a smooth, savory, epicurean delight as they yielded to the seasoned broth around them. Their flavor was brought to an entirely new level as they allowed themselves to be changed, enriched and re-created. It's hard to believe that the final creation, a luxurious, silky, smooth stock, was anything like the hard, original celery stalk.

It's a metamorphosis that parallels our own lives, when we yield to the master Creator and allow:

                our hard edges to be softened by grace

                our rough exteriors to be smoothed by love

               our flavors to be enriched by embracing others. 

Like stock, we'll develop a deeper, richer, well-matured, full-bodied quality. What a flavor we can become in the hands of a Master Chef. Little pièces de résistance! 
It's a recipe of divine proportions that we'd like to share with you:
"If anyone is ingrafted in Christ, they're a new creation (a new creature altogether);
the old (previous moral and spiritual condition) has passed away. 
The fresh and new has come!2 Corinthians 5:17

We hope our stock story simmers in your spirit today and reminds you of the total  transformation that is possible for all of us.

Sipping on soup in our studio,
The Velvet Lime Girls

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Love never gives up.

Love cares more for others than for self.

Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.

Love doesn’t strut,

Doesn’t have a swelled head,

Doesn’t force itself on others,

Isn’t always “me first,”

Doesn’t fly off the handle,

Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,

Doesn’t revel when others grovel,

Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,

Puts up with anything,

Trusts God always,

Always looks for the best,

Never looks back,

But keeps going to the end.
Love never dies.

The Message – 1 Corinthians 13

Friday, February 1, 2013

Celebrating an Artist

Last week we celebrated Marybeth, our art director, on the wonderful occasion of her birthday.

Whenever we celebrate a birthday for someone special we often use this expression. "We're so glad you were born!" And this was a sentiment expressed to Marybeth last week from our hearts.

If you happen to have a creative person to celebrate here are a few of our gift ideas:
1. Find arty, inspiring journals that just beg you to start sketching, doodling and writing.                     We loved these journals with embossed phrases on leather. Notice the pops of color in the text. We were thrilled to find these at TJ Maxx!

2. Fragrance their life with luxurious scented candles. Marybeth is a packaging connoisseur, so this ginger mango candle by Aquiesse was a visual treat filled with a little aromatherapy.

Who knew a candle could come wrapped so elegantly? Half the fun is just unwrapping the package! These lovely candles can be found at Armour and Co.
Just visiting their site is like stepping onto a luxurious beach in the middle of the day. Stepping into their store is absolute paradise.
(In a pinch, you may find these candles
at selected TJMaxx stores, but then you'd miss the 
experience of Armour and Co!  And the memory of the
visit, the essence of the candle and the uplifting feeling
you come away with, will just light up your spirit each time that 
lovely candle is lit.)

3. Finally, wrap up all celebrations with artistic edibles!
We gathered up these little treats from Alon's Bakery, a savory, culinary art museum itself!  You just have to go! @

With all the celebrating and singing that goes along with birthdays, we couldn't help to remind
ourselves that we're being celebrated everydayIn fact, there's a little bit of singing that occurs over each of us on a regular basis.
"God takes great delight in you...he rejoices over you with singing" Zephaniah 3:17

So, even if it's not your birthday today, just tell yourself, "Hey, I'm being celebrated! Someone is singing over me!" 

Cake and candles are optional for you today, but the singing ... it goes on forever.

The Velvet Lime Girls